About Us

Jawa Sparky

Callsign – Jawa

Real Name – Jawa Sparky

Birthdate – 9/21/2911 (Age 40)

Occupation – Formerly UEE Marine Medevac Pilot, Currently Independent Contractor and Freelancer

Jawa’s family began as a tribe of nomadic people who built a remarkable reputation for themselves as salvagers and cargo haulers. Their company, Artesian Enterprises began with only a couple of ships and grew into a fleet of more than a hundred and fifty. Ranging from small scout ships to enormous freighters. They really struck it big when the UEE offered them a contract in the Caliban System to scavenge pieces of alien technology. Their wealth grew as did their reputation until the Vanduul conquered the system they were operating in. They lost a third of their ships escaping from Orion (Caliban II) and ended up in the Stanton System. Having young children (Jawa’s Parents) they decided to retire from the contract for hire life they had with the UEE. They were approached by ArcCorp to purchase their fleet of ships and the company. The Jawa’s agreed under one condition, they get to keep their company name Artesian Enterprises and fleet designation (AE). ArcCorp agreed. Not soon after they were contacted by Kelly Caplan of Crusader Industries and offered a Homestead, in return for going to work as a salvage and asteroid mining contactor for Crusader Industries. They reinvested the money they received from ArcCorp and purchased a modest fleet of an Orion, four reclaimers, eight moles, and a dozen SRVs, Prospectors, and Vultures.

Years later Jawa Sparky was born. The tribe quickly realized that he had a knack for figuring things out and a sixth sense for flying. He excelled in school academically and in getting in trouble. His best friends growing up were named Jawa Lunk and Jawa Bones. They would explore caves, tinker with ships and systems, and experiment with just about anything they could find. One day while exploring they encountered a quantanium deposit in a rock. They used their ingenuity to extract it. They discovered the volatile properties of it after storing it in an Ursa Rover they hid just outside of the homestead.

The family decided that Jawa Sparky needed a little discipline in his life and he was encouraged to join the UEE military.He had a solid career with the Fleet Marines as a Medevac Pilot. He earned two distinguished flying crosses one with valor, five flying medals three with valor and the Navy Cross. This is where he met Fist-25, a distinguished and decorated navy fighter pilot. They became fast friends and enjoy pulling the inter-service rivalry and pulling various pranks and shenanigans on each other.

Years later, after Fist had retired, he met with Jawa Sparky on The Defiant an Anvil Carrack, and the ship Jawa Sparky was retiring as Captain from as a colonel. Fist encouraged Jawa Sparky to join him on a business venture upon his upcoming retirement. That brings us to today where Fist and Jawa are determined to Save the Universe.


Real Name – Classified
Callsign – Fist
Birthdate – Unknown (Age 35)
Occupation – Formerly UEE Navy Pilot, Currently Independent Contractor and Freelancer

His mother was a UEE Navy pilot and his father worked for Anvil Aerospace as a sales executive. At a young age his father was killed by a Vanduul raid while on assignment near the Vega system. His mother did the best she could to raise him, but she would be frequently gone on assignment aboard several different vessels. She met her unfortunate death when Fist was only 17, under ominous circumstances, the results of which are still classified but it is rumored that OMC (Odin Munitions Corporation) had her assassinated. Growing up so close to MacArthur and the Navy Yards there Fist decided to enlist in the UEE Navy at 19. Without parental figures in his life, he was forced to make his own way, he has distant relatives on the Sol and Terra systems, but they were of no help when his mother died. Fist started out in the maintenance department on UEES Terra (Idris class Frigate), repairing ship systems and avionics. Upon graduation of advanced training, he was transferred to the UEES Lynx (Bengal class Carrier) to repair Anvil F7A Hornets. He will tell you that he knows the Hornet inside and out and she is the best light fighter in the verse!
After serving in the Navy for roughly five years he applied for the pilot program and was accepted. He was ushered into training following the Invictus launch week and graduated with honors. He was transferred to the 36th fighter squadron flying the Aegis Gladius and is rumored to have taken part in the daring raid of a Vanduul supply line in 2940 while on an escort mission for a Hull-C. He transitioned over to the Rampagers of Squadron 83 and to the F7A Hornet. Finally getting to fly the ship he grew up idolizing. Assigned to the front of the Vanduul war he has participated in may battles both victories and losses. In 2948 he was discharged from Active Duty and signed on to the UEE Naval Reserves. He still flies for the Navy when they call on him but has since set up a nice freelance business with Jawa Sparky providing escort for cargo ships around the verse. He tried his hand at bounty hunting for a little while after first getting out of the Navy but found that the civilian models of the Hornets were lacking to what he experienced in the Navy.
When properly motivated (at the bar) he will regale you with stories of this battle and that battle, ultimately culminating in searching for his lost love. He swears he sees her everywhere and is constantly asking about her… Try getting him to shut up about it! What does the future hold, who knows? As long as there are credits to be made or a battle to be fought, you will probably find Fist on the front lines, ready to get to work.